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5-ton Heat Pump (1 year)

One Year Comparison, Single-phase 16 SEER 5-ton Heat Pump (aged 10 years) serving 1700 sq/ft in Phoenix, AZ

Jul 2023 - Jun 2024 compared to the same machine operating the previous year (Jul 2022 - Jun 2023) without Liquid SEER.

Equipment: Single-phase 16 SEER 5-ton Heat Pump

Age: 10 years

2.2º F Hotter

The average daily temperature rose 2.25ºF compared to the previous year. Aug 2023 was 7ºF hotter than Aug 2022.

Significant when considering equipment derating: mechanical performance output capability decreases linearly in correlation with the increase in outdoor ambient temperature. AHRI rates equipment EER and SEER at an outdoor ambient temperature of 95º Fahrenheit and 50% humidity, anything above this increases energy consumption and decreases BTU/h output.

3,719 kWh Savings

Environmental Impact: equivalent of 38 trees planted

Financial Impact: $670 saved on a single HVAC unit annually.

20% Energy Savings

Liquid SEER outperformed in conditions that cause equipment derating. Derated equipment produces less BTU/h per kWh. In other words, derated equipment cools less while consuming more energy, yet Liquid SEER was able to produce an impressive reduction in energy consumption despite extreme operating conditions.

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